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Fig. 4 | Journal of Ethnic Foods

Fig. 4

From: Tracing the origins of rendang and its development

Fig. 4

A rendang recipe in a Javanese cookbook Lajang Panoentoen Bab Olah-Olah kanggo Para Wanita (1936) by Raden Ajoe Adipati Rekso-Negoro. Here is the translation of Javanese text recipe into English: “Chicken meat if it has been cleaned, then cut into small pieces, boiled until soft. Red onion slices 2 teaspoons, grilled turmeric slices 1 teaspoon, 2 chili stew, salt 2 teaspoons, 1 cup coconut milk. Shallots, turmeric, chilies, salt are ground first until soft, then coconut milk is added, mixed (stirring) until evenly distributed. Chicken stew is put into the seasoning, then dropped with one slice of lime juice, then boiled until cooked, also the spices are cooked until slightly dry”

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