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Fig. 1 | Journal of Ethnic Foods

Fig. 1

From: The multiplicity of halal standards: a case study of application to slaughterhouses

Fig. 1

Diagrammatic representation for the source-composition-manufacturing (SCM) conceptual model, used to assess the conformity of a food product to halal standards. The first step consists in identifying the main source of the food product: vegetable, animal, microbial, chemical synthetic, or biotechnological. The second step consists in checking the composition, to classify ingredients, additives, adjuvants, and processing aids as critical and non-critical for the halal status. The third step consists in inspecting the manufacturing facilities to assess if the production lines are solely dedicated to halal food products or their use is shared with non-certified ones. In the latter case, the production line has to be sanitized before the halal production

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