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Fig. 6 | Journal of Ethnic Foods

Fig. 6

From: Wild European dewberry, Rubus caesius L. (fam. Rosaceae), in Sweden: from traditional regional consumption to exotic dessert at the Nobel Prize banquet

Fig. 6

Salmbärsbris is a locally produced, light pink dewberry-flavored schnapps produced by Gute Destillery. It is sold mainly in the liquor stores on the island of Gotland, where it is very popular with tourists, but can also be ordered in stores in mainland Sweden. The main Swedish provider of alcoholic drinks, Systembolaget, also offers it in shops up to 150 km from the original production location. The schnapps has a fresh, slightly bitter taste, and according to the advertisement, this schnapps has a 'berry flavor with influences of dewberry, raspberry and citrus peel.' It contains no allergens and should be served cool, like any schnapps (Photo: Courtesy Lauri Pappinen, Gute Distillery)

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