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Fig. 5 | Journal of Ethnic Foods

Fig. 5

From: Looking into the past to build the future: food, memory, and identity in the indigenous societies of Puebla, Mexico

Fig. 5

Preparation of the Mafafa. A Take the leaf from the Mafafa, B Remove the veins from the tender leaf so that it does not have a spicy flavour, C Wash the pieces of leaves, D Pour the leaves into a pot or container for cooking for 20 min. In the indigenous community there is the tradition of cooking with firewood, E The pot is removed from the first cooking process, the water is removed, and the following ingredients are added: avocado leaves (Persea americana), sesame seeds (S. indicum), cow-tongue leaves (Rumex crispus) y salt, F It is ready to eat, it is recommended to eat it with maize-tortillas

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