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Fig. 2 | Journal of Ethnic Foods

Fig. 2

From: Wild European dewberry, Rubus caesius L. (fam. Rosaceae), in Sweden: from traditional regional consumption to exotic dessert at the Nobel Prize banquet

Fig. 2

Oven-made saffron pancake is a century-old traditional dessert from Gotland and considered a typical provincial dish connected with this island located in the Baltic Sea. Saffron pancake was earlier served only in connection with weddings and other festivities. This 'cake' is made of pudding rice, cream, milk, sugar, egg, chopped almonds, and flavored with saffron, which gives its typical yellow color. Nowadays, saffron pancake is a common dish especially in local restaurants and cafes catering for the 1.5 million tourists visiting Gotland every year. The pancake is usually served lukewarm with dewberry jam and whipped cream, along with coffee (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

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