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Table 3 The use of bamboo shoots as a food source in India in modern times

From: Bamboo shoots: an exploration into its culinary heritage in India and its nutraceutical potential

Food items with bamboo shoot

Key ingredients


Food items prepared with paste of bamboo shoots


Wheat flour, black cumin



Wheat flour, black cumin and ghee


Bamboo Shoot Paste-Egg Curry

Onion, garlic, ginger, coriander, cumin, mustard, tomatoes and egg


Bamboo shoot paste-Mutton

Onion, garlic, ginger, coriander, cumin, mustard and goat meat



Coriander, cumin, mustard, potatoes and egg



wheat flour, butter and oil, sugar, coconut powder, baking powder



Wheat flour, yeast and baking powder



Coagulated milk, butter, peas


Food items prepare with chunks and shreds of bamboo shoots


Dried chilies, mustard oils, garlic, asafoetida


Bamboo shoot rice

Long grain rice, cumin seeds


Bamboo shoot fried Rice

Long grain rice, ground nuts, curry leaves, peas, cashew nuts


Bamboo shoot- Omelet

Egg, tomatoes, onions, coriander powders


Bamboo shoot- Noodles

Noodles, peas, carrots, beans, soya sauces and chili sauces



Gram flour, onions, curry leaves


Finger chips

Potatoes, gram flours, chili powder
